A Conversation for Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Secret Toronto

Post 1

Irving Braxiatel

For those intersted in some more... unorthodox views of Toronto, might I suggest [URL removed by moderator]

Athough I accept no liability if you wish to follow in these people's footsteps... smiley - smiley


Secret Toronto

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Sorry, Irving; your suggestion was removed by a moderator. Can you give us a hint without including an address?


Secret Toronto

Post 3

Irving Braxiatel

Hmm.. i wonder why it was removed...

anyway.. dubyadubyadubyadotinfiltrationdotorg smiley - smiley

and hope for the best smiley - smiley


Secret Toronto

Post 4

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

We're not supposed to post URL's in forum threads. In fact, even dubyadubyas aren't really Kosher. Wouldn't want you to get into trouble.smiley - smiley

Thanks. I'll have a look.smiley - winkeye


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