Just-add-water self-esteem

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Just-add-water self-esteem powder isn't available from many well known pharmacies as well as independent retailers.


100% self-esteem (organically produced)

Nutritional Information

Per 100g:
Carbohydrates 0g (of which sugars 0g)
Fat 0g (saturates 0g monounsaturates 0g polyunsaturates 0g)
Protein 0g
Fibre 0g
Salt 0g (equivalent sodium 0g)


  1. Add one sachet of self-esteem to a large mug.
  2. Add boiling water and stir for about half a minute.
  3. Add milk and sugar to taste, then drink1.
1Not too quickly though - the whole effect is cancelled by the embarrassment of burning the roof of your mouth...

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