Crystals To Aid Sleep and Dreaming

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Man falling out of bedSome people believe that crystals can help us sleep and dream. In this guide I give a few examples of crystals that can help you sleep, dream, decode dreams you may be having or even remembering a dream when we wake up.
Beta Quartz
This crystal can aid us in decoding our dreams.
Chinese Writing Rock
This crystal is good for assisting one into the dream state and directing the dream towards the intended subject.
This gives us clarity of dream recall.
Green Sapphire
This crystal encourages us to remember our dreams.
This crystal is known as the dreamstone, it can assist in solving dreams and releasing emotions. Putting this stone under your pillow may reward you with successfull dreams.
This crystal also allows dream recall, it may look as though we are watching a video and helps us to carry the dream on.
Someone reading their horoscopeKyanite
This crystal calms and clears the dreamer, it can give good recall and dream solving.
This gives us insight into to our own dreams, it makes it possible to contact our inner self.
This improves our dream states and helps us to remember before, during and after the dream itself.
This stone is known as the "Happy Dream", it gives us understanding of the dreamers potential.
This crystal stimulates the vividness of our dreams, it allows us to hold on to our dream while we record it in our memory.
This gem is thought to protect us against distressing dreams.
Star Garnet
This crystal helps the dreamer to remember his dreams, especially those which clear a chaotic state.
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