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A Witch
No one knows exactly when the powers of magic were discovered. Little by little, stories of impossible coups and miraculous recoveries increased in number and detail, until finally even the most skeptical people began to give credence to some mystic factors. And only then did the serious scholarly search for magical means and lore begin. Few remain who do not accept the reality of magic.

Yet the knowledge of magic and its use appears to be in its infancy. There are few formal school in which to learn magic. To be a user of magic, one must travel far and wide to learn from various mages who have developed and honed special magical abilities. Even then there is no guarantee the mages will impart their knowledge.

The Language of Magic

Some aspects of magical lore have become fairly well known. One such is the language of magic. This is a set of twenty-four syllables compiled by a great language scholar after travelling throughout Britannia for more than seven years. These are all the components of any magic spell yet known; but they are little help - and extremely dangerous - without knowledge of how to combine them into the phrases that make meaningfull incantations.

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