The Edinburgh 'Mini' meet - 23rd August 2001

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If that was a mini meet, I'd love to see a maxi meet...

Pegasus and Uncle Heavy were in Edinburgh for the fringe. So a small get-together for a few drinks after work appeared to be in order. This was meant to be a small informal affair...

I arrived at Edinburgh Waverley round about 19:15, and after wandering about the station for 5 minutes or so found Pegasus, Dr E V and Babel-17 in the bar. Ardzil joined us about ten minutes later, and we then moved off the the Cafe Royal, where we met SPINY.

A phone call was received from DD and FC, who were (surprise!) on their way in, with a 16 year old in tow. The jokes following this revelation were remarkably restrained. Eventually DD and FC arrived, along with Wumbeevil and the arforementioned 16 year old, who turned out to be FC's brother and for some reason prefered the idea of a night in the pub with h2g2 researchers rather than doing his homework. They brought the news with them that DD and FC had managed to secure a house. Congratulations and threats to visit were duly made.

Sadly Ardzil had to leave at about 10 to get home, and so missed Uncle Heavy who arrived half an hour later, just as I was leaving (nothing personal, UH!). Reportedly a fine time was had

P.S. The Cafe Royal aint half bad, so if anyone wants to try it the directions are:

Once you get off your respective train\taxi\high road\low road\whatever, you should find yourself in the main concourse of Waverley Station. WH Smith on right, turn left. To your left is a road heading up, straight ahead is a set of steps. Take the steps up. turn right and ahead you shall see an exit with steps leading up to street level. Take these.

At the top, street level, you are on Princes St. To your right is the New Balmoral Hotel, to your left Princes Street stretches away. Opposite you to your left there is a Burger King on the corner. Cross the road at a convenient point and head towards BK. Walk past BK and take the road to your left, it heads up towards some buildings and a pub. To your right are railings and a path lead up past the building ahead, take this. About 50 yards further on and just around the corner there should be an entrance to the Royal Scot pub.

People who turned up at various stages:

  • Pegasus
  • Uncle Heavy
  • Babel-17
  • Wumbeevil
  • Jamie
  • Ardzil
  • DD and FC
  • FC's brother
  • Dr E V

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