2 Conversations

I am in the process of creating a surprise to everyone venture which will involve the use of some members of h2g2's names, but the venture will not be commercial and your privacy is not at stake.

You may not be picked, so please don't complain that you were not included when you said you would like it. If you really would like to be in it, then please feel free to say so, Because as it is a work in progress, you can see it develop, and if you like the way it is going then you can say so, plus if you would like a mention, then don't hesitate to ask!
If you're not bothered, but don't object, then just say you wouldn't mind either way, but if you're strongly opposed to use of your (online) name and persona appearing in What you can see by Clicking here, then Please use the opting out form below, otherwise, use the form for "yes" nearer the bottom. Thank you.

The h2g2 venture has been revealed about what it is, but is still a surprise venture, so you can see it by Clicking here.

If You feel violated by this (mis)use of your name and online personality then please say so in the forum below, thanks.


I'm not opting out of this venture, I'm just posting to say I think it's a good Idea and to count me in!

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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