A Conversation for How to Be a Philosopher
quick note of appreciation
Lear (the Unready) Started conversation Jan 24, 2003
This article reads as well as it did when I first saw it in Peer Review about a year and a half ago. The good news is that it is linked to from the front page today in the 'Have you missed?' section, which is how I found it again after so long. I don't drop by here very often these days. But articles like this remind me of why I used to, once upon a time...
Best wishes,
quick note of appreciation
Sho - employed again! Posted Jan 24, 2003
I saw it briefly in Peer Review, but it scrambled my brain and I gave up. However, reading it again today, it's far more clear. It's scrambled my entire head.
Hugely entertaining, well written and .... this is a pretty near perfect example, IMO, of an h2g2 entry.
all round
off to start a campaign for an smiley
quick note of appreciation
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Jan 24, 2003
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That Silly Clanger Posted Dec 6, 2003
I'd like to second the praise. If only I'd seen this earlier!
Just popping down to Oxford for a PPE Interview, and it would really have helped if I'd have seen all this stuff earlier.
I don't suppose you can start and finish Sophies Choice on a 3 hour train journey?
quick note of appreciation
Sho - employed again! Posted Dec 7, 2003
You could, but unless you're a good speed reader i'm not sure how much you'd retain. You could just read all the philosophy lessons and miss out the inbetween bits about Sophie.
Good luck!
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."