Air Travel - Transit in Singapore

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If you have been lucky to fly with Singapore Airlines and fly through Singapore - there's not much else you need to worry about! You are the chosen one, so enjoy the ride and the extras.

Singapore Air has a deserved reputation of the most luxurious airline in the world. The charming smiles of the stewardesses (or air hostesses), the exotic menu, the diverse entertainment program all make the time whizz by. There's much to be said about entertainment onboard. If you've flown with omnipresent British Airways or conservative Lufthansa only, you would be deeply impressed by the personal TV screens, multiple audio and video channels and the overall information flood. You can watch movies at any time and browse the essentials of all big tourist destinations worldwide. Left to you to explore!

Singapore: If you have a day in Singapore - do not hesitate and take time to explore this multicultural city. The island has a little of everything and for everybody. But if you're unable to leave the airport, don't regret it for a second. The Singapore Airport resembles a modern complex at the end of the Universe. It's the hub of shopping, up-to-date news, info, Internet, exotic gardens and delicious cuisine!

Things to go for:

  • If you are used to checking e-mail or the h2g2 guide every 15 seconds, your salvation is the I-hub. Located in both terminals, cybercafes offer a fast connectiol for 2 Singaporean dollars for 12 minutes (or US$1) and guess what - you can pay with any major currency or plastic that might be lounging in your pocket. If you are poor and you're carrying a laptop instead, you can connect it at the numerous connection drops for FREE. Moreover, if you don't even have that, you can send a free e-card with a view of Singapore and your own picture (instantaneous snapshot of your jet-lag smile) to your loved ones to let them know you've just survived a 20-hour flight.
  • If you cannot stand on your feet any more, hop in one of the soft fauteuils in front of any news channel of your preference: BBC, NBC, CNN, CNN world, CNN headlines, CNN Asia...
  • You can enjoy any cuisine almost and rest assured, I did not spot any MacDonald's around the corner. Depending on your time of arrival, you can sip very strong coffee (flavors, kinds) and indulge excellent pastries at the 24-hour coffee shops.
  • If you're tired of screens, people and news-biz-whizz, find one of the lush oasises at the airport, sit at the wooden bench and contemplate the astounding view of the big fish in the lake in front of you. Keep your eyes down or else you risk getting blind from the camera flashes of excited tourists almost any second. Don't feed the fish, they surely get well-fed and don't think you can get away with catching some.
  • Now that you've explored it all and you have six or more hours to departure, sign up for a FREE tour of Singapore! There are four stations where you can sign up: North, South, East and West. The 2-hour coach ride including a 15-minute boat ride takes you through the most famous sites of Singapore. But as they say, 'we only give you a glimpse', to whet your appetite for another visit... and sure they do. Definitely worth a try!

Bon voyage and clear skies!

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