Rules and regulations for student life........(guidelines really)

1 Conversation

We here in Naiper New Zealand (my flatemate/s and all, decided that a set of guide lines should be published for students to adhere to:


If it looks nice and, you want it, and no one around looks like they want is yours.

Your are always poor, yet there is always money to:
buy beer.
give to the cute chick/guy that is collecting for the cause.
buy that thing that is absolutly useless yet is kool.
use the internet.
get junk food, and food in general (as long as it don't resemble anything healthy).

Assignments are for the last minute, i mean, what else are you going to do in the last minute??

If you are bored, Drink.
If you are sad. Drink.
If you are happy, drink.
If you are alone, Drink
If you are with frinds, Drink.
In a time of need, Drink.
In a time of celebration, Drink.
If you are sober, Drink
if you are drunk, Drink
if you are spewing, take time out, then, Drink
If you have nothing to do, Drink
if you have something to do, Drink first, or during.
if you hacve no time, make time, then, Drink.


Drink Drink Drink Drink Drink Drink Drink Drink

If they are cute, do it for free, if they are ugly, ask for money.

Never turn down free stuff, it may come in handy one day.

Never throw things out, they may come in handy one day (food inclusive).

It is not lieing if no one asks you and you say nothing.

Music should be played at exessively loud volumes, as to annoy the whole, if you can still see your house, you should still be able to enjoy the beats man!!

You are actually solar powered, so sit around in the sun for hours on end doing nothing, (the tv and computer screen will charge your batteries as well.)

Be nice to your parents, they has money you know.

please post things to add, we are much welcoming of ideas.

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