Fire Breathing

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Well this is not to be tried at home (although I did..)

Basicly Fire Breathing is when a preformer takes a mouthful of Kerosene, of other similar fuel (others are Pegasol (cel?) and has a lit fire staff or juggling stick, they cock their head back on a 45 degree(ish) angle and spray the fuel just over the top of the flame. (note spray not jet of feul, very important this, esp if you like your face hairs etc!!) The result is (if done correctly) a spectaular fire ball errupting from the mouth of the preformer into the sky enlighting all those around and providing a warm glow to the evening.

This is a very impressive stunt, and does have it's risks, i myself have partally combusted (it involved the flame going back into my mouth and igniting vapours coming out my nose... i lit up like a jack-o-lantern (which was impressive i am told!!) and well fire came from my nose and mouth, and singed my nose hairs... i was unharmed, but breathed smoke for a while. And well the crowd thought it was part of the act!! And loved it further more!!)

So head people that are reading this, it is dangerous and should not be taken lightly. You can die or at least be seriously harmed. Never attempt it alone or without guidence of an experenced fire breather...and always have that bucket of water handy in case.


A great way to pull chicks at a party, until they smell the reeks!!

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