Pet Shops in the UK

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In villages, towns and shopping centres from Land’s End to John O’Groats you will find pet shops of various different sizes, what they all have in common; is the products they sell.

Fur, Feathers & Fins

The majority of pet shops will need authorisation and a licence from the local council to sell live stock: pets. The council will also have an inspector, part of their job is to inspect the conditions of the pets and where they are kept. However, generally a pet shop will not be inspected unless a serious complaint or a number of complaints about a particular pet shop have been received.

Before purchasing a pet that you have little knowledge of it is recommended that you find out as much as you can about the care, housing and requirements of desired pet. A pet shop is an ideal place to purchase a pet advise books. The bigger the store, the more variety of books available.

The amount of pets available will depend on the size of the shop, and the amount of space available. Small caged pets such as: hamsters, gerbils and mice take up little space, as do dwarf rabbits and guinea pigs. Rabbits and guinea pigs should not be housed together, unless they were accepted as unwanted pets from a member of the public to re-sell together. Various caged birds including budgies, canaries, zebra finches and cocketils may also be available. There may also be tanks; containing tropical fish and a variety of different types of goldfish, as well as oxygenating plants and weeds.

Pets that require more space or specialised licence include; kittens, puppies, snakes and geckos. You should be very wary of buying a pedigree puppy from a pet shop, it may be from a puppy farm. However, it’s very likely cross-breed puppies are a result of accidental breeding and have been accepted from a member of the public.

Basic Pet Products

The most very basic products, which would be expected to be available in all pet shops.


The most basic products are pet food, these will generally be selective, usually the top brand names in commercial animal food. These will include tinned and dried food for dogs and cats. Rabbit food, often with a pellet free alternative, which is a good substitute for guinea pig food, if none is available. There is generally just one type of small rodent food, so whether you ask for hamster, gerbil or mice food, you will be served the same food.

In the freezer many pet shops stock pinkies and chicks for snakes, geckos and birds of prey, such as owls. In shops that are authorised to sell pets, live mice can also be purchased to feed carnivore pets that require live food.

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