A Conversation for Easy-to-Perform Magic Tricks
Okay, this isn't exactly magic, but it's a good trick
Frankie Roberto Started conversation Jun 28, 2001
The trick:
Approach someone in a bar or pub who is sitting down with a nice-looking spirit, say a good whisky or, my favourite, a double vodka. Tell them you are going to do a trick. Place a beermat over the top of their glass. Now offer them a bet. Say you bet them fifty pence you can drink their drink without moving of touching their glass or the beermat. Wait for them to accept this very safe bet. Now quickly remove the beermat and drink their drink. You lost the bet, so hand over the fifty pence. That was a cheap drink.
Okay, this isn't exactly magic, but it's a good trick
Cabby Posted Jun 28, 2001
Alternatively, bet someone the cost of the drinks that you can drink two pints of beer before they can drink a glass of spirits. The only conditions are neither of you are allowed to touch the other's glasses and you get a pint head start.
Drink your pint, then put your empty glass over their glass of spirits...
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Okay, this isn't exactly magic, but it's a good trick
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