Tunbridge Wells

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Tunbridge Wells is a town in Kent situated just off the A21.

The physical aspect of the town is quite pleasant with 'The Pantiles' being the, alleged, nicest spot. But what are the Pantiles? Well, to me they look like any other shopping precinct I've been to except for three important differences-

1. There isn't a roof.
2. The shops are quite Olde Worlde
3. If something looks old then it is.

Personally, I don't go to that side of town much- although there are a few nice bars in the area, especially on a summers night.

I spend most of my time up on Camden Road. It's one of those areas where you can quite easily go for weeks without venturing out of a 500m squared area. It's got a variety of pubs and bars - the most notable of which is b@r in.co.gnito which serves, arguably, the nicest beer in the world- Super Bock (don't knock it till you try it).

There are many food places. Restaurants, Take Aways and small, 'local' shops (which aren't just for local people!).

For those of you who are interested there's also a gym and a large shopping precinct at one end (whoopty-do) but at the other there is a family child care centre called 'Fagans Child Care'. It's a source of constant amusement to me and, I'm sure, an indication of how the world really works.

Well, that's my brief entry on Tunbridge Wells- feel free to update (or rather complete).

The Japper

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