A Conversation for Favourite Childhood Sweets and Candy

Curly Wurly

Post 1

Researcher 178548

The ultimate foot long toffee and chocky delight, although it semmed to get smaller as I grew bigger, is, alas, no longer with us.
I well remember the penny chews, the fruit salds that were once 4 for a penny, then three, then two, then one, then, when 'new pence' were introduced, got fractionally larger before being dumped by the not-so-stupid young consumers of my day.
Rolo's and smarties, still with us, spangles, long gone, Macintosh's caramac, where is it now? Rowntree's fruit pastilles and fruit gums, never a particular favourite of mine, were easily ouclassed by the Fruitella bar and Opal Fruits, now the far less appetizing Starburst candies. I neveer liked the green ones much though. Then there was the candy tobacco, coconut and heaven kbows what else, 'monkey nuts', and of course the flying saucers, rice paper with sherbert inside. And talking of sherbert, the sherbert lemons that I remember from 40 years ago seemed much more explosive than they do now.
Bassets Liquorice Allsorts are still with us, but you don't find too many liquorice canes these days...
All in all, as I reminisce about the sweet old days, its the Curly Wurly Bar that comes popping back into my decaying mind and sends a fond tingle through my decaying teeth, a young candy conoisseur's delight, a foot long packet of joy and cavity material espoused by Terry... Terry - now what was his name? - on the flickering boob tube during Blue Peter (Down Shep, DOWN SHEP) commercial breaks, dressed in shoolboy shorts with an ill-fitting cap perched on his head. These days, its all Mars Bars and Rolos and Milky Ways ("The sweet you can eat between meals"), hardly the same as a Curly Wurly though are they.

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