A Conversation for Favourite Childhood Sweets and Candy

Pleased and amazed

Post 1

Dragon Flyer

Pleased and amazed that others share my memories. I was going to say - liquorice allsorts, but so have many others, stick liquorice - we used to buy the twigs from our local chemist at 2 a penny, PROPER aniseed balls - 6d a quarter, with the seed in the centre, that tasted of aniseed and not just sugar, Trebor Refreshers - slightly fizzy, sold in a multicoloured tube, I used to see if they would make a fizzy drink in water - they didn't!, Black Jacks and Fruit Salad - a farthing each at our local shop, I think you can still get them, but they don't taste the way I remember! Oh! and liquorice Spangles - I never really liked the fruit ones but when you could get Liquorice only and Butterscotch only I became addicted. Whatever happenned to Spangles?

(You may have guessed, I like liquorice!)

Pleased and amazed

Post 2


Spangles?? I think you can still get then in some far off parts of this blue green planet (LOL)
I used to get liquorice but it realy sucked :o( I don't thik you can really call it a sweet! 'cause it's not sweet!!
My faviorites were and still are those FIZZY COLA BOTTLES!! They leave a nice tooth eating agent in your mouth mmmmmm Gummy ;o)

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