A Conversation for Attack Of The Mutant Expressions

Mutant Expresions: The tow rag

Post 1


Most people spell it Toe Rag, which is either a veruka spreader or a podiatrists university fun(d) week.

I think it is Tow Rag, from cotton milling. Tow was the ends and scraps of cotton fabric too small to be used as anything but a rag to clean up dirty machinery with.

Mutant Expresions: The tow rag

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

Hmmm, according to this, it is "toe rag"


Mutant Expresions: The tow rag

Post 3


OK so what might Toe rag mean?

Besides more foot related fungi?

A piece of worthless rag seems clear to me.

Mutant Expresions: The tow rag

Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

Well, knitting and stockings are a relatively new invention. And wearing rags instead of socks is still common among hikers and in the military...

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