A Conversation for Canada

Mt. Logan

Post 1


has recently been renamed Mt. Pierre Elliot Trudeau after he died.

Mt. Logan

Post 2


Hey, another Edmonton resident! Jazzedupcurry and I are also here. Now to the subject at hand:

Mr. Chretien backed off of the renaming after all the stink that was kicked up, didn't he? I'll check into that, but I'm pretty sure the renaming never happened.

Mt. Logan

Post 3


Statscan still calls it Mt. Logan:


Mt. Logan

Post 4


And from yet another Edmontonian, no the name is still Mt. Logan, but I thought I read that another unamed at the time peak was named for PET. Jeremysmiley - ale

Mt. Logan

Post 5


I can't find anything about here being a mount PET yet. I remember hearing the suggestion that there were lots of unnamed mountains around that could be given his moniker.smiley - erm

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