The great game of Funnelling

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The game of Funnelling is a great trickgame to play with your friends after or while having a couple (or more) drinks. It is very simple and it guarrantees a lot of laughter and some wet pants.


There are a couple of things you will have to do, before you can start the great game of Funnelling.


The best location to play the game of Funnelling is a location where fluids can leak on the floor. So a livingroom with an expensive rug is NOT a proper location. Outside the house is always the best location, however, make sure that there is enough light to see what you and you're friends are doing. A bar is also a suitable location, but when playing at such a location, make sure not too many people can see how the game works (or else you can only play it once or twice).

You don't need a lot of space to play the game. You will need room for all the players to stand and enough room to duck and pick something up from the ground in front of the participants. Make sure no one else sees what and how you are playing.


To play the game of Funnelling, you only need 3 or 4 things:

  • a funnel
  • a large coin
  • a glass/can/bottle of beer or other non-toxic fluid for every player
  • (dry pants, if your opponent knows the game and you are the one who fell for it!)

The funnel

The best thing to use as a funnel is, how odd it may sound, NOT a funnel. The best thing to do is make your own funnel. You can do this by bending a piece of cardboard or a piece of very strong paper in the shape of a funnel. Make sure the small hole of the funnel is about 2,5 centimeters in diameter and the whole funnel has a height of about 30 centimeters. The size of the big hole is not really important, als long as you keep enough room to handle the game.

The coin

For playing the game of Funnelling the best coin to use is, how odd it may sound, NOT a regular coin. The best thing to use is a token (the usual tokens for purchasing drinks at large parties will do fine). Make sure you have more than one of those tokens on you, because there is a chance you will loose one or two during the game.

Playing the game

The object of the game

There are two objects in the game: one for you and your friends, who know the exact rules of the game and one for the person who does not know the exact rules.

Your object

Your object is to trick your opponent to play the game of Funnelling and to let him get a pair of wet trousers.

The object to your ignorant opponent

Your opponent thinks he has to break the new Funnelling-record and by doing just that he will gain a nice price, something like a place in the, not existing, yearbook of your team or group of friends, or just a drink or two.

The players

To play the game of Funnelling you need at least two players, but the more players that know the EXACT rules, the more fun you will have playing the game.

!Make sure that one of the players does not know the rules of the game!

The rules of the game

The rules are quite simple. Find an ignorant person who does not know the rules of the game. Ask him if het wants to play the game of Funnelling with you and your friends. He will probably ask what is in it for him if he does. Convince him with a story that, if he wins, he will get a couple of free drinks or that he will be published in the new yearbook of your team.

Now you will have to explain him how the game works. But you don't tell him how the game really works!! You will tell him that all he has to do is put the funnel in his pants and the coin or token on his forehead. He will have to try to drop the coin from his forehead into the funnel, and retrieve it from it (or his pants). Tell him he has got to do this, for example 12 times in one minute and then he will be the new Funnelling-champ, making him the winner of a nice price.

To convince him even easier, just make a few rounds yourself, so he can see how it works exactly. Give him thirty seconds to practice himself and than he will be ready for the real thing. Make sure he feels comfortable (don't laugh!)

Let him place the coin on his forehead (this makes him look up to the sky and thus diverts his attention from the funnel sticking out of his pants. Show your watch and do a little counting down from ten to zero.

Make sure you and your friends are standing pretty close to the ignorant player and when reaching 'five' during countdown, empty all glasses or bottles of beer in the funnel, giving him soaked pants...


Your new friend has just been Funnelled. Make sure he starts laughing very fast (you will surely laugh very fast), if he does not, run! If he does, give him a beer and let him play on your side with the next victim.


If the person you are trying to trick, knows the EXACT rules, you will be the one with the soaked pants, when you make a few rounds to show him how it works! But in that case your friends will have a lot of fun too.


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