Things that could happen to you when travelling at lightspeed

4 Conversations

No one really thought of the practical implications that travelling at the speed of light brings. I often wonder what moving at this, for humanoid senses, enormous speed, will do to our psyche. Offcourse you will get from your house to your work (and vice versa) a lot faster than with the avarage, rush hour speed of 5 miles an hour.

But what will happen to our five (don't laugh, you Berkanoïds!) senses? Especially what will happen to our sense of sight, because the sense of sight is, simply, based on the fact that what we see is just light that bounces of the object that we are looking at and this light returns to the lens of our eye, which projects the image onto the retina, which sents the information to the brain (yes, humanoïd live forms only have one) to be processed.

When travelling at the speed of light what will we see, when we look in a mirror and what will happen to our own shadow? During lighttravel something very weird will possibly happen that will trick our eyes and brain (yes, only one!). To be exact: FIVE things are possible to happen.

When looking in a mirror, we, obviously, see ourselves. But when looking in a mirror when passing the 'lightbarrier', there will occur a problem; presumebly a rather large problem with rather big implications.

There are exactly five possible scenarios:

a. Nothing will happen and you can sit back and enjoy the ride.

b. In the mirror you will see the image of your face, at the exact moment that you went through the 'lightbarrier'. So the mirror will become a rather odd snapshot of you, looking at yourself.

c. The mirror will become black, because the light is not able to make it to the mirror.

d. You will not be able to see anything at all, because the light is not able to reach anything at the area that is surrounding you.

e. The whole known universe will collapse in an instant, and nobody will have to have to be gridlocked again... ...ever. (this scenario is, however, not very plausible)

What will happen to your shadow when reaching the speed of light?

a. Maybe nothing, and it will stick to your feet for the rest of your life.

b. It will stay on the exact location where you left it when reaching lightspeed.

c. It will disappear and you will finally have gotten rid of it for the time you will be travelling at a greater speed, than light does.

d. you can't see anything and thus not even your own shadow.

e. The little crappy thing with the known universe will happen and you don't have to bother about that dreadful shadow anymore... ...ever.

These are just some examples of odd and inpredictible things that could happen to you when you travel with the speed of light. Offcourse there are a lot more, and they will be mentioned in the update of the Guide.

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