Things I Must Do Before I Allow Myself to Die

1 Conversation

Yeah, it's morbid, i realize, but i've got to write these down so i don't forget!!!

Travel the world. Or at least most of it. I'm NOT going to the Arctic.

Try nudism. Hey, it sounds interesting! Be open-minded, for crying out loud!!!

Live somewhere OTHER than Los Angeles. Try a small town, preferably somewhere random and TOTALLY different, like Maine or... somewhere in the South(ern US). Find out what non-smoggy air smells like!

Live in a foreign country where they speak a totally different language. Russia would be interesting.

Run through the rain naked at least once.

Get in the car, take a change of clothes and some money, and just drive. Follow your intuition and see where it takes you.

Have a conversation with people in another car while stuck in Los Angeles traffic. DONE

Ride a motorcycle. By yourself. In skin-tight leather.

Go skinny-dipping. DONE

Put on your best (read: sluttiest) outfit, try a fake accent, and insist you're a model from Sweden. See how many guys you fool.

Go car surfing. DONE

Get a tattoo or pierce something. You only live once, right?

When you get bored, suddenly quit your job and move across the country.

Buy yourself a creepy old house, dress like a freaky old woman and stare at people who pass by your window. Then, dress normally and spread rumors about yourself to the children in the town. Scare them on Halloween.

Jump into a freezing cold pool. In January. Fully clothed. DONE

Dissappear suddenly and without warning. Leave your car parked on the side of the road somewhere. Let everyone think you were kidnapped, then reappear a couple weeks later and say, "I was gone? No, I've been here all this time!!!"

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