A Conversation for Luke Rhinehart - Author

Roll the die!

Post 1


Having been a fan of The Diceman for a while now, I was glad to see this posting. I'll have to go hunting for the rest of the books now. I remember first coming across Dice when Channel 4 did a show on Luke and the concept of Dice. It was quite scary at first and then after reading the Loaded articles, I had to get the book. Reading it in just a few sittings, the whole way of life seemed to appeal to me in some way and I have used the 'Way of the Die' a few times.

One thing that worries me though, if you can't find the diceman, he finds you... Does this make him sort of like a one man A-Team? I can imagine the scenario.. If I roll a 5, 3 or 2, I'll build a tank out of this pile of old PC's, a 6 or 1 and I'll build a really big gun.. Roll a 4 and I'll just smoke this cigar.....

Plus, those who have read diceman, one description in the book put my off eating soup in a chinese forever... can you guess which one?

Roll the die!

Post 2

Martin Harper

Glad you liked it... smiley - winkeye I guess I got carried away with my rhetoric on the A-team reference... it happens... smiley - biggrin

Hmm - eating chinese soup... nope - I can't think - what's the reference?


Post 3


This post has been removed.

Roll the die!

Post 4


I loved the article and have checked out your space and seen some of your other work.

I would like to say what I mean by my point, but as the last reply got removed due to the answer, I have to watch what I say at the moment.

Roll the die!

Post 5

Martin Harper

Got your email though - ahh - gualo soup! smiley - smiley

If you want to query any piece of moderation, just leave a message on Peta's page. squacks are still learning, so this may possibly be a mistake. See what she says... smiley - smiley

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