Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 27th December 2000

1 Conversation

Hi - I received this list before Christmas but time did not allow me to put it up before now, Sorry.
This is the last Newcomers page of 2000 and will contnue when Mark Moxon returns early January.

Could you please check these last links to see who has been missed. Just to let us know which heading you are checking to ensure everybody gets at least one visit, could please let us know which on the forum below.


PS I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all the very best for the new year.

 1) Newcomers 1 to 10 (a)

U162959  garfman
U162960  dTd
U162964  Researcher 162964
U162965  Oscar HRO
U162969  Charlie Mouse
U162984  Psichotic
U162987  Nikkelitous
U162988  Uniqua the Unicorn
U162991  Pazuzues
U162992  Archon (mercenary for hire)

 2) Newcomers 11 to 20 (b)

U162998  mr peasbody
U163000  Carla the Canadian (Muse of Bassoonists)
U163003  True Researcher
U163004  Sazib
U163005  Apocalypse Cow
U163006  drifter
U163013  Mr. X
U163018  Flavius
U163021  jdevienne
U163026  Angelo Deth- The marginally less well known Death... oh and master of Jenga!!

 3) Newcomers 21 to 30 (c)

U163028  ChicaPerson
U163030  Strange Brew
U163034  quatsch83
U163036  Haploid Feeblerox
U163037  les537
U163044  Jimmy the Evil Scar
U163046  Lus
U163081  Knupkunter
U163083  BilliBrazili
U163085  Researcher 163085

 4) Newcomers 31 to 40 (d)

U163086  T. Killer 47
U163089  Webby
U163093  Researcher 163093
U163096  Researcher 163096
U163099  plik
U163105  Joe Jacir
U163106  Researcher penn ame
U163110  Titania
U163113  Musiciangremlin
U163130  Recoil

 5) Newcomers 41 to 50 (e)

U163149  Researcher 163149
U163150  Researcher 163150
U163154  little baby nothing
U163162  163162
U163168  Derwood
U163169  stardancer
U163171  tallenred
U163188  MTN
U163191  chazza
U163204  Niloc

 6) Newcomers 51 to 60 (f)

U163206  Mostly Sleeping
U163212  Chotu
U163221  Ibach26
U163223  poop on a stick
U163224  coldash
U163228  Researcher 163228
U163229  The Great Gonzo
U163234  Eileen
U163240  Researcher SPIC1
U163241  Researcher 163241

 7) Newcomers 61 to 70 (g)

U163243  Joey Joe
U163250  Primate Researcher
U163253  Researcher lantern
U163259  Researcher 163259
U163264  Researcher 163264
U163270  Jyara
U163274  Ariel
U163284  Researcher 163284
U163288  Red
U163290  Bucky

 8) Newcomers 71 to 80 (h)

U163294  Devil's seraph
U163312  The Great and Frumious Fork Girl
U163313  Areiel
U163317  Researcher 163317
U163319  BenInGlenn (no more)
U163327  fozzie
U163339  Mr K H Jordan
U163342  Researcher noodle2
U163349  Drac
U163351  Terrye

 9) Newcomers 81 to 90 (i)

U163361  Rajatjee
U163364  Desdichado
U163385  Plamola
U163391  Researcher 163391
U163392  OptChaos
U163396  Researcher Metla
U163402  Unreal
U163403  Researcher 163403
U163404  Juju
U163406  Speccy4i 163406

10) Newcomers 91 to 100 (j)

U163410  Cheap thrills
U163413  Seldom Seen Seana
U163417  Xolin
U163420  Raelyn
U163425  bellbram
U163428  Marvin
U163431  TonytheTiger
U163435  nivla-ok
U163438  Bhaskar
U163440  6 Gauge Nips

11) Newcomers 101 to 110 (k)

U163441  Ashlen Moon Dragon
U163443  Demosthenes
U163447  scaryfish
U163453  Monolith
U163463  Roostar
U163464  Coma white
U163466  Spanna
U163476  patrickinsydney
U163479  tiptop
U163480  Barista

12) Newcomers 111 to 120 (l)

U163481  evilbrummiegit
U163482  fridanumberone
U163483  Researcher 163483
U163490  Saaxton
U163494  Massassi
U163501  Mad@home
U163507  Researcher 163507
U163512  Researcher 163512
U163513  Shillandaria
U163515  Scott Greyson

13) Newcomers 121 to 130 (m)

U163519  The Dirty Vicar
U163525  Random Hitchhiker
U163526  Sannas
U163527  Elinda
U163533  Gavor
U163542  Researcher 163542
U163544  An Electronic Monk
U163546  Gin No Kyouyuu
U163547  "Heart of Gold"
U163548  Panda

14) Newcomers 131 to 140 (n)

U163550  fishbowl
U163556  Voice of Reason
U163561  The Penguin
U163564  Researcher 163564
U163567  sensei
U163569  Nudge
U163570  Lenadams
U163571  misha blue
U163583  The Baddhist Buddhist
U163604  geteking

15) Newcomers 141 to 150 (o)

U163610  DirtyBen13
U163611  Line Walker
U163614  Researcher 163614
U163625  moophish
U163626  Researcher 163626
U163641  Researcher 163641
U163651  Hippy Hunter Girl
U163655  Nikrah
U163657  Researcher 163657
U163662  -M-

16) Newcomers 151 to 160 (p)

U163670  Doc. Holiday
U163671  Hyperpeanut
U163679  Researcher 163679
U163682  ericcore
U163697  Platts
U163701  George
U163715  Researcher 163715
U163718  Gorbidge Draalwirth
U163720  Researcher 163720
U163724  Agrajag

17) Newcomers 161 to 170 (q)

U163731  Masochist Boy
U163736  Desert Rat Shorty (275)
U163742  supernothing_girl
U163748  The Cat in the Hat
U163759  The Ambridge Anarchist
U163765  flatlander
U163784  Ug
U163795  Researcher 163795
U163801  st.julian
U163805  GhostOfRedmole

18) Newcomers 171 to 180 (r)

U163811  Ocellus
U163812  ei
U163816  Zester
U163825  Ola Erik
U163828  Chris B
U163829  andyF
U163830  stop163spitting830onme
U163834  Anachron
U163835  Xcaliber
U163837  Researcher 163837

19) Newcomers 181 to 190 (s)

U163841  Researcher 163841
U163846  Researcher 163846
U163852  Researcher 163852
U163853  keks
U163858  El_Researcher
U163861  Researcher 163861
U163864  Andy Allan
U163867  Duiner
U163873  Researcher 163873
U163882  ID

20) Newcomers 191 to 200 (t)

U163888  Gecko
U163889  Researcher 163889
U163893  Researcher Taz
U163918  hulk
U163919  carolus linneus
U163924  Free To Be Me
U163925  Loplop
U163926  Sigismundo
U163927  Silver Surfer
U163928  Phantom

21) Newcomers 201 to 203 (u)

U163933  B Phat
U163934  Researcher 163934
U163936  Researcher 163936

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