Furby's A-Z List of h2g2 Smileys
Created | Updated Dec 23, 2011
16 / 4 / 2 + 40 = 42
(1 * 5 - 1) * 10 + 2 = 42
All the smileys in alpha sequence
2cents <2cents> .2002 Winter
Ale <ale> c|_|
Alien (Frowning) <alienfrown>
Alien (Smiling) <aliensmile>
Angel <angel> O:-)
Ant <ant>
Applause <applause>
Apple <apple> .2011
Artist <artist>
Badger <badger> .2011
Bat <bat>
Big Eyes <bigeyes> 8-)
Big Grin <biggrin> :-D
Biker <biker> .2006
Biro <biro> .2006
Black Cat <blackcat>
Black Sheep <blacksheep>
Bleep! <bleep>
Blue <blue>
Bluefish <bluefish>
Bluetit <tit> .2002 Winter
Bluelight <bluelight> .2006
Blush <blush> @'.'@
Boing <boing>
Book <book>
Borg (Tennis Player) <borg> :-)==O
Brave <brave>
Brokenheart <brokenheart>
Brr <brr> .2002 Winter
Bruised <bruised>
Bubbly <bubbly> >-|
Bunny <bunny>
Burger <burger>
Bus <bus>
Butterfly (Blue) <bluebutterfly>
Butterfly (Orange) <orangebutterfly>
Cake <cake>
Can of Worms <canofworms> .2009
Candle <candle> .2011
Cappuccino <cappuccino> or <capp>
Cat <cat>
Seeing Double <cdouble>
Cheer Up <cheerup>
Cheers! <cheers> d_||_b
Cheese <cheese> .2009
Cheesecake <cheesecake>
Chef <chef>
Chick <chick>
Chocolate <choc>
Chocolate Teapot <chocolateteapot> .2009
Christmas Pudding <xmaspud>
Christmas Tree <xmastree> =>>>
Cider <cider>
Clown <clown> K:o)
Coffee <coffee> c\_/
Cogs <cogs> .2011
Cool <cool> B-)
Corn on the Cob <corncob>
Cracker <cracker> .2002 Winter
The Moon (Crescent) <crescentmoon>
Crisps <crisps>
Cross <cross> X-|
Cry <cry> :'-(
Cuddle <cuddle>
Cup Cake <cupcake> @\_/
Cupid <cupid>
Devil <devil>
Disco Lights <disco>
Diva <diva>
Doctor <doctor> o:-)
Dog <dog>
Doh! <doh>
Dolphin <dolphin> .2011
Don't Panic <dontpanic>
Donut <donut>
Dragon <dragon> .2002 Winter
Drool <drool> .2002 Winter
Drum Roll <drumroll> .2009
Drunk <drunk> :*)
Earth <earth>
Elf <elf>
Elvis <elvis> .2009
Empty <empty> \_/
Envy <envy>
Erm <erm> :-/
Esuom <esuom> .2011 mirror of Mouse <mouse>
Eureka <eureka>
Evilgril <evilgrin>
Facepalm <facepalm> . 2011
Fairy <fairy>
Fish (Blue) <bluefish>
Fish (Left) <hsif> <><
Fish (Orange) <orangefish>
Fish (Right) <fish> ><>
Fish (School) <schooloffish>
Flan <flan>
Flustered <flustered>
Flying High <flyhi>
Flying Pig <flyingpig> .2009
Football <football>
Foot in Mouth <footinmouth>
Footprints <footprints>
Fried Egg <friedegg> .2006
Frog <frog> .2011
The Moon (Full) <fullmoon>
Galaxy <galaxy> .2009
Geek <geek>
Ghost <ghost>
Gift <gift>
Good Luck <goodluck>
Groan <groan>
Grovel <grovel>
Grr <grr>
Hamster <hamster> .2009
Handbag <handbag> .2002 Winter
Handcuffs <handcuffs>
Hangover <hangover>
Head Hurts <headhurts>
Hero <hero> .2011
Holly <holly>
Hot Dog <hotdog>
Hsif <hsif> mirror of Fish <fish>
Hug <hug> {{{}}}
Huh? <huh>
Ill <ill>
Injured <injured>
Island <island>
Jester <jester>
Kiss <kiss> :-*
Krops <krops> .2011 mirror of Spork <spork>
Laugh <laugh>
Lighthouse <lighthouse>
Llabwons <llabwons> mirror of Snowball <snowball> . 2002 Winter
Love <love>
Love Blush <loveblush>
Lurk <lurk> .2006
Magic <magic>
Mammoth <mammoth> .2011
Mars <mars>
Martian (Frowning) <martianfrown>
Martian (Smiling) <martiansmile>
Milk <milk>
Mistletoe <mistletoe> .2002 Winter
Mod <mod> .2002 Winter
Moon <moon>
Monster <monster>
Mouse <mouse>
Musical Note <musicalnote> o/~
Nah-nah! <nahnah>
Nalf <nalf> .2011 mirror of Flan <flan>
Nur <nur> .2011 mirror of Run <run>
Nurse <nurse> +:-)
OK <ok>
Online Too Long <online2long>
Orange Juice <oj> |%|
Orib <orib> .2011 mirror of Biro <biro>
Butterfly (Orange) <orangebutterfly>
Off Topic <offtopic> .2009
Onna <onna> <petunias> .2011
Otamot <otamot> .2011 mirror of tomato <tomato>
Panda <panda>
Peace Dove <peacedove>
Peace Sign <peacesign>
Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster <pggb> .2009
Pertunias <petunias> .2011
Pirate <pirate>
Planet <planet>
Pony <pony>
Popcorn <popcorn>
Porkpie <porkpie>
The Post <thepost>
Prof <prof> . 2011
Puff <puff>
Pumpkin <pumpkin>
Q no smileys starting with Q
Racket (Left 2) <racket2> O==
Racket (Right 1) <racket1> ==O
Rainbow <rainbow>
Raised Eyebrow <raisedeyebrow> .2009
Red Wine <redwine> \R/
Reindeer <reindeer>
Rocket <rocket>
Rofl <rofl>
Roll eyes <rolleyes> .2006
Rose <rose> @->--
Run <run>
Sad <sadface> :-( or :(
Santa <santa>
Scientist <scientist>
Seeing Double <cdouble>
Senior <senior> .2006
Shark <shark>
Shhh <shhh> .2006
Sheep <sheep>
Shrug <shrug> .2009
Sigh <sigh> .2009
Silly <silly>
Sivle <sivle> .2011 mirror of Elvis <elvis>
Simpost <simpost> .2009
Skier <ski> .2002 Winter
Skull <skull>
Sleepy <sleepy>
Smiley <smiley> :-) or :)
Smooch <smooch>
Snork <snork> .2006
Snowball <snowball> .2002 Winter
Snowdrop <snowdrop> .2011
Snowman <snowman>
Somersault <somersault>
Sorry <sorry>
Space <space> .2006 Spider <spider>
Spork <spork> --OE
Sreehc <sreehc> .2011 mirror of Cheers <cheers>
Star <star>
Steam <steam>
Stnirptoof <stnirptoof> .2011 mirror of Footprints <footprints>
Stiff Drink <stiffdrink> \%/
Stout <stout> g|_|
Strawberries and Cream <strawberries>
Strawberry <strawberry>
Suitcase <suitcase>
Surfer <surfer>
Ta <ta>
Tardis <tardis>
Tea <tea>
Tekcor <tekcor> .2011 mirror of Rocket <rocket>
Tennis Ball <tennisball> -=@
Tennis Racket (Left 2) <racket2> O==
Tennis Racket (Right 1) <racket1> ==O
The Moon (Crescent) <crescentmoon>
The Moon (Full) <fullmoon>
The Moon <moon>
The Post <thepost>
Thief <thief>
Tickle <tickle>
Toffeeapple <toffeeapple>
Tomato <tomato>
Tongue Out <tongueout> :-P
Tongue in cheek <tongueincheek> .2006
Towel <towel>
UFO <ufo>
Vampire <vampire> :-[
Wah! <wah>
Weird <weird>
Whistle <whistle>
Winkeye <winkeye> ;-) or ;)
Winekey <winekey> .2011
Witch <witch>
Wizard <wizard>
Wow! <wow>
Xmas Pudding <xmaspud>
Xmas Tree <xmastree> =>>>
Yawn <yawn> :-O or |-O
Yikes! <yikes>
Yuk! <yuk>
Zen <zen>
Zoom <zoom>
Zzz <zzz> |-I