Body Piercings

3 Conversations

The Process

The first thing that is usually done before the piercing is carried out is the choosing of the jewellery. After this the area that is going to be pierced is cleaned, with either a disposable wipe or a spray and a wipe.

After cleaning the area the next thing that will happen is the area to be pierced will be marked, so that the jewellery can be placed in a pleasing way.

After the area is marked, then a small clamp can be applied to the area. This might sound painful and worrying but it is fine the clamp serves several purposes; If the area is to be frozen, or numbed, the clamp will isolate that area. Alternatively if the area is not being numbed at all then the slight pressure of the clamp will reduce the blood flow through the area to be pierced. The clamp also holds the skin in place, so that the piercing can easily be made through the markings applied earlier.

When the clamp has been applied then the piercing can be performed. The piercing needle (a needle with a plastic sheath surrounding it) is passed through the site, and is then withdrawn, leaving the hollow plastic sheath in place.

With the plastic tubing in place the clamp can be removed, and the jewellry can be inserted through the tubing, which is then withdrawn. When the jewellry has been fastened the whole thing is over!

Thank god

Most piercings are performed in less than a minute from the clamp being applied, the whole process is very quick, and painless - Even if the area is not frozen.


  • Earlobe

    The most common method of piercing the ear is with an ear piercing gun. Whilst this is good enough for the soft fleshy parts, if cartilage is to be pierced (the upper part) then this should be done with a Body Piercing Needle.

  • Tragus

    This is the piece of skin at the front and middle of the ear where it joins the head. This is always pierced with a Body Piercing Needle and a Ring or Stud is worn.

  • Nostril

    A Ring or stud may be used and best results are achieved with a Body Piercing Needle. The nose is usually pierced where the curve of the nose indents. The nose can be pierced with the same gun used for ear piercing making sure the butterfly fastener is left off of the back.

  • Septum

    This is a piercing which is very visual and can sometimes be slightly intimidating to others. The thin partition of skin beneath the central nose cartilage is pierced with a Ring or Barbell.

  • Nipples

    A Ring or Barbell may be used for this piercing which can either be placed vertically or horizontally through the base of the nipple.

  • Navel

    Rings or Bananabells (curved barbell) may be placed in the piercing which is done at either the top or bottom of the Navel.

  • Skin

    Piercings in the skin have a tendency to 'grow out' but can be placed anywhere on the body.

  • Eyebrow

    The piercing ring or barbell can be worn on either side of the face anywhere along the eyebrow line. The ring or barbell is placed with the eybrow itself in between the peircing.

  • Lip

    The piercing can be placed anywhere on or around the mouth area with a Ring or Labret Stud (flat back) being used.

  • Tongue

    The tongue is pierced in the middle, slightly forward avoiding the two large veins that are underneath the tongue which run up the side. Barbell or Labret Studs are used in this piercing.

Female Piercings


  • Inner Labia

    This is probably the most popular of female genital piercings and it is usually done through the upper front of the labia with a ring or barbell.

  • Outer Labia

    This piercing is done with a ring or barbell.

  • Clitoris Hood

    The piercing can either be placed vertically or horizontally through the clitoris hood with a ring or barbell.

Male Piercings

  • Prince Albert

    This piercing involves placing a ring through the Urethra of the Penis at its head, exiting some 6mm away.

  • Reverse Prince Albert

    This piercing is done wlth a ring and instead of emerging from the Urethra, it emerges from the head of the Penis.

  • Ampallang

    This involves placing a Barbell through the head of the Penis horizontally above or through the Urethra.

  • Apradavya

    Virtually the same as the Ampallang except it goes through the head of the Penis vertically.

  • Shaft

    A piercing or piercings that can be placed along the length of the Penis wherever they are required.

  • Frenum

    Piercing of the loose flesh beneath the Penis head.

  • Foreskin

    The piercing is done with a ring through the loose skin.

A man clutching his nether regions in agony; a zipper in the background

The Most Popular Piercings

The navel is one the most popular , mainly for women, becuase it is sexy and gives you quite unusual place to wear some jewellery.

The tongue is the new craze at the moment because it heals within two weeks and has some great advantages!

The nipple is the third most popular piercing as it looks very sexy and can make your nipple very sensitive to touch.

Taking precautions

Because of its increasing popularity, body piercing has recently attracted a lot of unqualified people who are doing it for a quick profit. Proper body piercing requires experience and knowledge of subjects, most importantly proper sterillisation procedures due to a high risk of possible transmission between patients, for example, HIV-AIDS and Hepatitis.

When deciding on having a piercing its more important you decide on a piercer, ask around and see who has the best reputation and talk to people who have had a piercing by the person and ask about their experience. You will be better going to a person who specialises in only body piercing as they spend all their time on just one skill.


The piercing must be preformed using sterilised instruments, sterile gloves, the chosen specific jewellery and the wound is covered by a sterile bandage!

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