Drinking Games

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The person starting the game begins by saying the name of a famous person (the definition of "famous" is generally held to be well known and may be sports figures, artists, politicians, musicians, scientists or whatever), first name and surname.

The next person in order must then state another famous person, whose FIRST name must begin with the same letter as the SURNAME of the previously named person.

For example: the first name might be "Mel Gibson", the next player must state a person whose first name begins with G, and so says, for example, "Gerald Ford", the next first name would then begin with an F, e.g. "Felicity Kendall", and so on.

When somebody says a famous person whose first and last name both begin with the same letter, the direction of play reverses, so, continuing the example above, the next player says "Kevin Kline", thus forcing the person who had just said "Felicity Kendall" to now state a famous person with a first name starting with K.

Needless to say, there can be no repetition of names. The cardinal rule is DRINK WHILE YOU THINK, i.e. the longer you need to think the drunker you get!


A vicious game in which people can get very, very wasted. It requires two dice. All players sit in a ring and roll the dice in turn until somebody rolls a double.

That person then becomes the THREE MAN, and, as the game continues, Three Man must drink every time somebody (including himself) rolls a multiple of three. This is very often, and hence Three Man becomes very drunk.

Three Man remains in this role until somebody else rolls a double. Three Man then heaves a huge sigh of relief, collapses into his chair, and the poor b*****d who has just rolled a double becomes the new THREE MAN!


A good game to play later in the evening, when everyone has already had a few. The players sit in a ring, and somebody starts the game by saying, "Fuzzy Duck"

Play continues, with each player in turn repeating, "Fuzzy Duck", until somebody asks "Does he?"

The order of play reverses with everybody now saying "Ducky Fuzz", until somebody asks "Does he?" at which time play reverses again and it's back to "Fuzzy Duck"

Sooner or later, after the question "Does he?" someone will inadvertantly reply "F*(# he does", and therefore has to drink!


A game of hand signals with associated words. The game begins with a WHIZZ, with the forearm swept across in front the body (as if brushing away a fly), i.e. using the right arm to direct the "whizz" to a person to your left.

The next person may continue the "whizz" in the same direction with his right arm, or do one of a number of options:

He can BOING the whizz back to the person who whizzed to him, by holding his forearm vertically up (in this case his left arm, so that the "whizz" passes across his body and reflects off his forearm).
The person to his right must then do a whizz with his left hand across his body to the person on his right (i.e. the whizz changes direction).

He can BOUNCE the whizz, by holding both forearms vertically, which means it continues in the same direction, but misses a person.

He can BANG the whizz, by thrusting a fist at any person, at any position in the circle. That person must then continue the whizz in the direction it was going.

Any mistakes, and that person must drink.


Same as above, but using the following words in substitution:

Whizz becomes YEE-HA
Boing becomes WHOA-BACK
Bounce becomes COUNTRY GIRL
Bang becomes F*(# THAT SHEEP!

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