A Day in the Life of an Average High School Student

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Note: For the sake of argument, it is assumed that the average high school student is not “popular” because, well, that’s how it is IRL.

You wake up and groan when you realize that you have school today. You shower and dress. You go downstairs for breakfast. Your parents attempt to “stay involved in your life”1 by asking redundant questions that can be answered in one word2, then get angry with you for answering with one word. You then ignore them. At some point, you don’t know when because you weren’t paying attention, they give up and give you a ride to school345.

You arrive at school and are promptly harassed by the school jock/popular guy/big man on campus/Neanderthal meathead6 You pass the school’s most attractive member of your gender of preference and he or she totally ignores you. 7

You meet your friends8. This is usually the best part of your day. You talk about teenage things: attractive members of your gender of preference, that embarrassing thing that the “popular” person did that made you pity them, how much you have absolutely no interest in being popular- and how you would laugh in any “popular” person’s face if they asked, no, begged you to associate with them.

The bell rings. You make a crack about Pavlov’s dogs9 and go to class. Your teacher yells at you for being late10. Apparently your Pavlov joke took up too much time. You sit down in class and proceed to doodle, pass notes, twiddle your thumbs, count the holes in the acoustic ceiling tile about your head, try to throw your pencil so that it sticks in the ceiling11, in order to stay awake.

Finally, lunch time comes. You choke down the cafeteria food12 or bring your own lunch. You sit with your friends13 and talk about your teachers, other students, homework, how much you hate your parents, the po- er, neat website you went to last night1415, etc.

Lunch ends. On your way back to the realms of boredom-induced invention16 you are harassed- again- by the aforementioned Neanderthal meathead17 Fortunately, you survive the encounter and make it to class ten minutes late. Just your luck, the door is locked18.

You spend the remainder of the school day in the library doing your homework1920 Scratch that, you spend the rest of the day watching the sports team of your gender of choice run laps/swim laps/wrestle/do drills/etc.

You arrive home to your demonic parents demanding to know why you missed a class at school today. You ignore them and stalk up the stairs to your room, slamming the door. Your parents will exchange a Look21 and decide one of two things: to harass you some more or to leave you alone22. You hear them coming and turn your stereo up to full blast. After about 15 minutes of yelling outside the locked23 door, they finally go away. You may or may not do your homework. You watch TV, perhaps talk on the phone, then go to bed.

1If you hear this phrase, run for your life.2”Fine” is the most frequently used word.3Or, if you are fortunate enough to be able to drive, they let you leave for school.4Or, if you live in a metropolitan area, they let you go catch your form of public transportation.5Or, if you live in a rural area, the bus comes and saves you from those psychopaths that spawned you.6As sad as this may sound, this is his entire purpose for living. Take comfort in the fact that in college he will discover that such actions are no longer “cool”.7This is to be expected, so it has little bearing on your day. 8This may occur before, during, or after school. For the sake of this entry, I have assumed it to be all of the above. 9A scientist named Pavlov once trained a dog to salivate whenever a bell rang- in this case, when the bell rings, you go to class.10Punishment for said offense may vary- some teachers give detentions, others simply lock the door when the bell rings and you’re stuck outside.11I wouldn’t recommend this one, teachers don’t seem to appreciate the comedy of the action. Go figure.12If you’re brave enough- most people don’t go near it!13Most are fortunate enough to have this luxury, anyway.14Almost slipped there.15Okay, maybe that’s just the guys.16More commonly known as “classes”17You may or may not see this as a good thing. If he (or she- hey, it happens) kills you, you don’t have to go to class. But if he/she kills you, it’s going to be in a very painful manner. If you’re lucky, he/she may just stick you in a locker.18See? I told you some teachers do that.19That is, if you’re smart.20Most High School students don’t do this.21The look says, “Where did we go wrong? Is our son/daughter on drugs?22They usually choose the former.23Oops. Must have locked it by accident. Sorry.

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