Lampeter University
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
The town it's self is just one long street with enough shops for basic student needs, ie you can buy alcohol from almost anywhere. Seriously though, we don't go without here in Lampy-land. Ok so we don't have a Mc Donalds or Burger King, but who really enjoys that faux fast food anyway (we say as we drool over the idea of a double cheese burger with everything and fries on the side).
We also don't have a cinema, the closest one is in Carmarthen not far away, but the University shows a film every Sunday evening for a spectacular two pounds entry fee.
The University was founded in 1822 and has loads of history which I'm not going to go into right now. The main reason for writing this article is to describe what the uni's like today, so here goes...
There is but one campus, which is a good thing, that means no getting up early so you can catch the bus to a lecture on the other side of the city. We get up at ten to nine and still have time to finish off last nights pizza before lectures begin.
Last year a certain magazine which I won't name, called us the most boring university in Britain, which just goes to show how wrong some people can be. If however you really feel the need to go clubing every night then there are plenty of brain rotting places in London, here we rot our brains the good old fasioned country way, we get completly slaughtered in the Students Union. A typical nights merriment will useually follow thusly...
1.Buy a couple of bottles of nasty cheep wine from Spar, drink it in halls while getting ready to go out, (may I recomend "Belnor" at ninetynine pence a go).
2.Arive at the union bar already fealing comfortably hazy.
3. Fill your mind, body and spirit with student priced booze and see how many songs you can get the juke box to play for ten pence... general jovialitys until eleven o'clock.
4. It is then time to see what the Union Extension is offering entertainment wise, this, as well as closing times, ranges depending on the night. Most of the time there is a sufficant mix of music to keep everyone happy. And of course you can continue drinking as long as you still know which part of you face you need to stick the bottle into.
5. Stumble back home using equaly inebreated friends as support, (one of whom will undoutedly be suffering from a bout of hysteria), on the way order a "doublcheezbrgr with manaze 'nd brgr ssauce" from Dave who is quite fluent in drunken slurring and will get your order right nine times out of ten (see Places to Eat in Lampeter).
6a. Arrive home and pass out.
6b. Arrive home finish the rest of the Belnor, have deep meaningfull conversation that everyone's to drunk to understand, then pass out.
This is fun. The morning after is another matter all together but we all know the consequences of our actions.
The Union Extension sometimes holds theme nights, fetish is one of the more popular themes, there are also numerous RAG charity discos all of which are a good night out. On Saturday nights there is Band in the Bar (which is confusingly held in the Extension), this is a time for local and non-local bands alike to try to impress us with their abillity to play their instruments loudly. Actualy they're usually quite good, what they lack in tallent is definately made up for with enthusiasm.
So you see we are not a boring university, at least not that boring. Anyway, enough about entertainment, We have to mention work at least briefly. No I've changed my mind, if you want to know about lectures, subjects etc you'll just have to got ot the website... everything you need to know is there.
If you want to know anything else that I haven't covered here feel free to leave a message and I'll try to find someone intelligent to answer it for you.