Harrier Jump Jet

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The Harrier is Britans main aircraft carrier launched plane. and has the abilty to hover in mid air. This makes landing the Harrier easy but it does not usually take off this way because of the high fuel consumption that would be needed.The Harrier was put into service on the 1st of April 1969 and has since had many upgrades to both the plane and its engine.

The Harrier is powered by one Rolls-Royce Pegasus Engine which generates 21,750lbs of thrust. This is directed downwards by four nozzels that swivel from pointing back to facing the ground.The Harriers' only flaw is that it can't go supersonic, its top speed is 661mph (the speed of sound being 340.29 m/s). The Harrier can only hover for 90 seconds, in this time it uses 150 gallons of water to keep the engine cool. . The Harrier can carry the following weapons:
Paveway II , Paveway III and Enhanced Paveway laser guided bombs
CRV-7 rockets
Maverick missiles
1000lb bombs
540lb bombs
BL755 Cluster bombs
AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles
As well as up to four fuel drop tanks (note: it cannot carry all these at one time).

The Harrier may be replaced by the Joint Stike Fighter which is being developed by the Americans. This also a verticle take off plane but it has the advantage that it can go supersonic.

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