A Conversation for Three Basics of Electronics

Please explain.

Post 1


You seem to be someone who knows about this things. Please, therefore explain the following:-

Before leaving my cell every evening, I switch off my computer, but leave the printer switched on. As I switch off the light (NB the light, on a totally different circuit) the printer spits out a page at me. When I arrive in the morning, I switch on the light, and the same thing happens. Every day. Unless I leave the computer switched on.

Now what law applies here?

Does it mean the machines are taking over, and my printer is trying to tell me something, except that I can't read it?

Does it mean my printer is in love with me (or hates me) and is saying goodbye and hello in a language I don't understand?

Or, does it mean that our/your ideas about the laws of electronics need substantial revision?

Please explain.

Post 2

Man of Legend

it seems that your cell has been treated to a visit by the god of electronis. this guy is very old and senile (as he had to wait billions of years for man to discover electronics, and went mad in the process) so now he can only tell if a circuit or electrical system will work by judging it's aesthetics. so it's obivious in his own mind he decided that it would be a good idea to connect the two together.

i'd just be happy that your printer acnoledges your presance. go in to your cell in a morning and say hello to it, and good night when you leave.

if this whole thing is freaking you out, as it would me to be honest, then turn your printer off with your computer.

on a serious note i have no idea why this could be happening.

Please explain.

Post 3


Yes, I'll try politeness for a while.

I've tried switching off, but geography of the cell is difficult, and as I invariably forget to turn on until I need it, I could damage some very tender parts reaching over to the printer. But you weren't to know that.

I presume the cables must run together at some point and there is an interference.

btw, well done the entry. Short, concise and to the point, unlike my own attempts!

Please explain.

Post 4

Man of Legend

thanks for the compliment. however its consiceness is down to the editer of the entry. the unabridged version is on my home page

Please explain.

Post 5


Wow, you certainly were edited!

btw don't get too uptight about the 'pedants' (of which I am known to be one, on the odd occasion, though not about stuff I don't know about, e.g. electronics) they are partly trying to be helpful, partly trying to keep standards high and partly having fun. I don't see anyone offering personal criticism, and you are the one that made the effort!

Please explain.

Post 6

Man of Legend

ahh the editing, seemed a bit more like tree felling than grass mowing if you get my meaning.

the comments were not what i was hoping for. i thought somebody might pose challenging question (like the one about resistance) rather than telling me that i don't use enough h's.

time out

Please explain.

Post 7

Man of Legend

ahh the editing, seemed a bit more like tree felling than grass mowing if you get my meaning.

the comments were not what i was hoping for. i thought somebody might pose challenging question (like the one about resistance) rather than telling me that i don't use enough h's.

time out

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