Berlin, Germany

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construction area - Baustelle - but thankful for comments

Coming to Berlin

If you have a map of Europe you can find Berlin very easy in the middle ... YES, this little town in the eastern part of Germany, near the polish border. Tough some people don't like it, it's also the capital of Germany ... and an interesting and lovely place to ... mostly. (living here for more then 25 years I'm allowed to say so)

You can reach Berlin from nearly any direction with nearly everything that moves. Ask your local tourist agent if you plan to do so.

Tourist Stuff

If you come as a tourist, you have to see some things naturally and will take a picture ... you must take some pictures, otherwise nobody will believe you later on and all the money was for nothing.


Brandenburger Tor,



Unter den Linden,

Rotes Rathaus ... (to be continued)

Some Things to See

WARNING! If you're planing a beach holiday, Berlin is definitely the wrong place to go. Altough it has some beautiful lakes and rivers around with some lovely places where you can spend an undisturbed summer day (and night) with your beloved.

But you can visit a bunch of museums and exhibitions, which I think cover every interest.

Plans for Tonight?

Soon I will write a little Entry with some bars and cafés I know. But now some areas to spend the night in:

If you're looking for some cafés or bars, you can go

1.) between S-Bahnhof Hackescher Markt and Oranienburger Str. (lot of tourists)

2.) between Kollwitzplatz and S-Bahnhof Schönhauser Allee (lot of tourists, especially Kollwitzplatz)

3.) Simon-Dach-Str. (Friedrichshain) and around (less tourists)

and also some parts of Kreuzberg, but that's not my area :-)

Berlin from the TOP

Berlin hasn't a skyline like New York. Most buildings are up to, more or less, eight storeys high. But therefore you can have a beautiful view from some buildings which are no skyscraper

TV Tower (Alexanderplatz – City east),

Radio Tower (Westkreuz – City west),

Technische Universität (Ernst-Reuter-Platz – TU Hochhaus),

Französischer Dom (near Friedrichstrasse – City east);

Reichstag ( near Brandenburger Tor)

Learning for Life

Geography and Satistics 1


89 022 ha


52° 31' 12'' N and 13° 24' 36'' E (Berlin Cityhall – Rotes Rathaus)

Local Time

6 min 22 sec behind MET – 12:00 MET = 11:53,38 Berlin local time


3,4 Million (51,5% women :-))

1Statistischen Landesamt Berlin 1998

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