The Demo Post

4 Conversations

All Demos Welcomed

Welcome to the backroom of The Overamped Bass. Here is where we receive the demos of those wanting to perform at the club, or just those who want to be heard. To have your demo put on this site, post a link to an MP3 or Real Audio file of one song, along with your researcher name, your act's name and a link to your band's webpage if any.All acts will be booked for the Overamped Bass.

Please feel free to comment on anyone else's demo as you wish. I will post links to all the MP3s on this page, along with my comments, and the more interesting of the researchers' responses.

All acts linked here can of course be seen live at The Overamped Bass, where you can also buy overpriced alcoholic beverages and signally fail to pull the one mildly attractive person in the room.


Researcher - Stealth Munchkin, Band Stealth Munchkin , song Sandman. No comment...

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