Anne of Green Gables

3 Conversations

Anne of Green Gables is the first in a series of books by LM Montgomery. The star of these books is of course the troublesome, forgetful, imaginative, not-traditionally-beautiful, parentless and loveless heroine (and what a thrill the word heroine would have given her...), Ann with an E.

A Brief history...

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The Characters

  • Anne: Dare I say redheaded...or auburn haired, full of imagination, ambitions and quite a bit of adventures.
  • Diana: Anne's "busom friend" of raven-black hair and less imagination, but you can't help but love her.
  • Matthew: The quiet, shy but fully determined bachelor whom is scared of women that adopts and helps raise Anne.
  • Marillia: The loving but strict spinster sister of Matthew who raises Anne.
  • Gilbert: The boy who calls Anne's hair "Carrots" in school... later to be a suitor for her heart.
  • Ruby Gillis: A boy crazy and silly friend of Anne and Diana.
  • Jane Andrews: The sensible friend of Anne and Diana.
  • Charlie Salone: Goggly eyes and an holier-than-thou personality, of one of the older and more intolorable, but still good families of Avonlea
  • The Books

    1. Anne of Green Gables: The story of Anne's coming to Green Gables and Avonlea and finding her first real home with love and friends
    2. Anne of Avonlea:The story of Anne's education and her teaching job in Avonlea, with all her hopes dreams and ambitions.
    3. Anne of the Island: Anne's leaving Prince Edward Island to go to school in Richmond. A lovely book, with lots of romance... can you imagine it... 5 proposals... sigh...
    4. Anne of Windy Populars: An epilstilic novel of letters Anne writes to her betrothed during their seperation, where she is a school ma'am of the first degree.
    5. Anne's House of Dreams: Anne's first house, first child, and first great saddness as an adult.
    6. Anne of Inglestead: Anne's second house and her mass of children and their adventures.
    7. Rainbow Valley: Anne's children and their fun and adventures with the manse children...who, much like Anne are motherless and in need of love and upbringing.
    8. Rilla of Inglestead: The story of Anne's youngest daughter and how she changes from a child to a woman during World War I.

    Along a Similar Vein

  • Chronicles of Avonlea: A collection of short stories of the inhabitants of Avonlea, somtimes involving Anne.
  • Further Chronicles of Avonlea

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