Created | Updated Apr 15, 2002
The call of nature inspired embarrassment in the Victorian era which was when the separate room of the water closet appeared. In the 20th Century public health laws and Ecoli abscessed people with the cleanliness we all now know.
Toilet Humour came in with the Carry On era where shouting Bum!, Tit! and Poo! were considered funny. These sort of things continued with programs such as South Park where Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo appeared; this character originated from one of the writers refusing to flush the toilet as a child and then being told by his farther, if he did not flush Mr Hanky would eat him, this started him flushing 20 times every time he went, this started a phobia affecting him till his late teens where a kind friend pointed out his foolishness.
My advice for what to do with a toilet is what I’ve done; buy a square of wood about the size of the toilet seat, bolt it on to the base and stick on a nice fury seat cover and you have an attractive stool or chair.