The Internet

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The Internet is big. Really big! Mind bogglingly huge! I mean, you may think that there's a lot of books in your local library, but that's just peanuts to the internet.

The internet is accessible by machines called computers. These computers are all linked together in a giant web covering the whole world which is called, rather predictably, the World Wide Web. The most interesting feature of the World Wide Web is that it's abbreviation takes longer to say than it's actual name. This is actually a good way to think of the internet. It takes a lot longer to search through the internet for a piece of information than it does to dump a whole lot more information onto it.

This is the reason that god invented search engines. By god, of course, I mean Microsoft. Microsoft may not have actually invented the seach engine, but who's going to tell them that? Al Gore? Never mind. Search engines go through the stacks of mostly useless information in order to inform you that the piece of information you were looking for used to be there, but somebody took it off again.

The internet is useful mostly as something to do when you are bored at work.

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