Motorsports Racing [in process]
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
One of mankind's favorite leasure activities has always been finding out
who can cover the distance from Point a to Point b in the least amount
of time. In our prehistoric beginnings this was known as "Run Away from the Sabertooth".
Today, we call it "Racing".
We love racing. We are continually devising new ways to race. We race to
see who is fastest running, or walking, or jumping over obstacles. We race
over distances short and long. We maintain records so that we may race against
those long past.
With the domestication of animals, we found that some of them, such as horses
and camels, were well-suited to providing us transportation, and could move
quite faster than we could ourselves. They were quickly incorporated into
our racing activities.
Eventually, we found that certain species, too small to be ridden, could
be trained to race as our proxies. This discovery has led to Parimutual Greyhound
racing, and that staple of Midwestern county fairs, Vietnamese Potbellied
Pig racing.
As our technology progressed, we began racing using the things we'd invented.
Who's fastest sliding down a mountain standing on boards, or rowing down
the river, or ballooning across the countryside?
The Industrial Revolution gave us the internal combustion engine. With it
came the promise of affordable personal transportation at speeds faster than
oar could propell us, or winds could drift us; faster even than our animals
could run.
We had to race them.
- The Unsers of Albuquerque (Coming Soon)