Fine Grind Cafe, St Catharines, Ontario, Canada Content from the guide to life, the universe and everything

Fine Grind Cafe, St Catharines, Ontario, Canada

1 Conversation

If you are in St Catharines, Ontario, Canada, hankering for a cup of coffee or tea, or maybe something light to eat, you would be well advised to check out the Fine Grind Café. Located in Downtown St Catharines, Fine Grind is a lovely little hole-in-the-wall café that manages to combine an incredible atmosphere with excellent beverages and great food.

The Crowd

Fine Grind is frequented by an assortment of youngish St Catharinians and caters for people whose diverse interests include mythology and the Cthulu Mythos1, conspiracy theories, card games, role playing games, art, music, vampires and zombies.

The Guy Behind the Counter

The owner/operator is called Rob and he is one friendly human being. He is always happy to chat with regulars and visitors alike, so just make yourself known.

Check These Out

Fine Grind serves and provides:

  • Exotic coffee, teas, juices and other café staple drinks.

  • Amazing chocolate cake which is made by Rob's mom.

  • Quick and easy snacks including grilled cheese and nachos, both of which are highly recommended.

  • Huge milkshakes. Our Researcher recommends the malted shake. 'It will knock your milkshake-drinking socks off.'

  • A café journal where everybody can record their miscellaneous thoughts and drawings.

  • Tarot card readings.

  • Peanut butter chocolate-chip cookies, which are also made by Rob's talented mom.

  • Great conversation.

1Magical realism to the rest of us.

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