Classified Advertisements

1 Conversation

A new Feature for the POST will be the possibility to send in any advertisements you may wish to publish. These should, of course, be purely h2g2 related! We will, hopefully, be setting up a convenient address to submit your items to but, in the meantime, please just email them to the editor. Unless otherwise specified, advertisements will run for 4 weeks.

Lonely Hearts

Lonely Presidential Candidate (20, male, TSOF1, blonde, 6') seeks supporters and campaigners, male or
female. Preferably aged between 0 and 130. Female models especially welcome.
Apply A379253

h2g2 Teeshirts!

The staff of h2g2 are pleased to announce the availability of h2g2 T shirts to any researchers who want to be the height of fashion this season. The shirts are available at the shop, where all sorts of other goodies await your perusal.

The shirts are available in a dazzling array of colours (black or white!) and three sizes.

New to h2g2: The Noticeboard

Visit The h2g2 Noticeboard to post all your requests, invitations, adverts etc, on a new page specially created by Titania, queen of elves

New Cricket Team for h2g2

We are in dire need
of players and an umpire who understands the LBW rule. We currently have a
groundsman, a scorer, a mad fan, and Olias has volunteered to be the
resident streaker !!!

The Centre of activity can be found HERE. Please drop in and register your interest!

Muses Wanted!

The Musehome is looking for Zeus!!! Zeus, if you remember, is
father of the muses by Memory.... Yet... I have not received a reply from
him, or from Apollo, either!!! If there are any dieties out there who are
willing to drop by and give us a hello, they need to let me know!!! :)

Those of you interested should visit the Muse Site Here

The Musicians Guild

Another new place of interest to visit! Try out The Musicians Guild which hopes to attract all the many musicians of h2g2. If you join, you will be given free access to the page to post your own views!

If YOU would like to place an advertisement, please email shazzPRME

04.09.00. Front Page

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1Twisted Sense Of

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Infinite Improbability Drive

Infinite Improbability Drive

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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