Useful bits of GuideML
Created | Updated Aug 4, 2006
Links to external websites - to specify title to appear in References bar:
<LINK HREF="url" TITLE="Title to appear in References
bar">linking word in entry</LINK>
Don't forget the space between "url" and TITLE.
To use the entry name eg. A4207619 as link text:
<LINK H2G2="A4207619"/>
Link to named help page eg. GuideML Clinic:
To insert readable GuideML code into entry:
Use < and > instead of < and > eg.
<LINK H2G2="A4207619"/>
To link to another Researcher:
<LINK BIO="U182633"/>
To add a customisable credit ('Additional Research by' and 'Illustrated by' only):
To add a customisable credit, you need to add the following formula to the GuideML inbetween the final </BODY> and </GUIDE> tags.
<CREDITS TITLE="Title of Credit">
<LINK DNAID="U##">Name to be Credited</LINK>
You will need to use the name that the Researcher is generally known by, as this does not link dynamically into the Nickname function, though it does still link back to the Researcher's Personal Space like other credits.
For example:
<CREDITS TITLE="Additional Research">
<LINK DNAID="U284">The h2g2 Editors</LINK>
To credit more than one researcher, either list multiple U numbers inside the one set of credit tags, or open a new set of credit tags to list two different types of credit (ie - Illustration by X, Extra Research by Y).
See the conversation on customisable credits: F77636?thread=938888#p10178572
To add a BBC link to right-hand margin:
Insert this between BODY and GUIDE tags at end of entry:
To see the GuideML for an entry:
Type in the URL where 123456 is the A number of the entry you wish to view the GuideML for.