New York City - Queens - Forest Hills - Living

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Quick Review: Wonderful

As the title of the review states, Forest Hills is nicely located in the borough of Queens in NYC. It is basically in the "middle" of Queens. Head east and you hit "Rego Park" and west you run into "Kew Gardens."

Forest Hills has a few links in U.S. history. It is the only neighborhood of New York to be mentioned in "Catcher in the Rye" when Holden talks about "Forest Hills tennis stadium" In fact, the stadium in Forest Hills (at the end of Burns Ave) was host to the U.S. Open prior to Ashe Stadium. It was also the sight that Wes Anderson filmed scenes from his film "The Royal Tennenbaums" (the tennis match and go-cart scenes). For all you mafia enthusiasts, Forest Hills was the location that Henry Hill got an apartment for his mistress in GoodFellas. It is also the location of the gruesome "Son of Sam" murders in the 1970s NYC heatwave.

Things To Do In The Area
If you happen to find yourself in Forest Hills and want to have a good time then quickly make your way over to Austin Street. It is the busiest pedestrian street in the neighborhood and for good reason. There are a variety of shops, restaurants, and hang out spots that will defintely suit most people's needs. People from surrounding neighborhoods come to Forest Hills area specifically to visit Austin.

Things To Be Afraid Of
For non-locals it is imperative they stay clear of Queens Boulevard. This eight lane street has been responsible for the death of over 70 people in the last ten years. If you stand at the corner of the "Vitamin Shoppe" on 71st and face north you will see a sign which reads "Please be careful when crossing the street - A pedestrian was killed here." It is no wonder that is has acquired the nomer of "The Boulevard of Death."

The best place to eat is the "T-Bone Diner" located on the South side of Qns Blvd, just west of 71st Ave. This place is heaven on Earth. The menu offers what a typical diner offers but my meal of choice is "Cheeseburger Deluxe Medium Rare with a Pepsi." Sometimes new waiters will say they don't have Pepsi - not true. Ask them to give it to you in a bottle and they'll make due.

The neighborhood also has Indian (Baluchi's east of 71st Ave on the Blvd), Thai (Bann Thai heading west down Austin), and a variety of Italian restaurants on Metropolitan Ave. There is also a Peruvian restaurant, (Punta Sol on Metropolitan and 70 ave.)

There are three movie theatres in Forest Hills south of Queens Boulevard. The most commercial theatre is on the southside of the Blvd and has one or two arcade games. Another is located close by on Austin but only offers two movies at any given time. The latter is further away on Metropolitan Avenue and is also the least expensive (by $2).

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