Shark Reproduction: A Solution to Society's Problems?
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Sharks and rays have very similar physiology, and, as such, they will be considered the same thing for the purpose of this paper.
Upon finding a female that he finds appealing, a male shark will charge her from behind. He'll clasp onto her with his massive jaws, and wrap his body around her. He then forces himself into her, and releases his sperm. Not long after, he swims away. It's not unheard of for the female to have lasting wounds after this encounter.
She does have a way to heal herself somewhat from the act of vile rape, able to eject the seed from her body if she so chooses. If not, she will eventually give birth.
Tiger sharks have been known to battle each other in the womb, eating their siblings before being released from their mothers.
When compared to this, human existence seems bliss. No worries within the womb that aren't the fault of the mother's environment, and rape isn't a necessity for reproduction. There are many criminals around the world that would find the life of a shark quite enjoyable, and an invention to allow them to do so might eliminate the crime altogether.
Violence, rape, and other crimes could be all but elminated if the sentence were, instead of jail time, to place the human mind into the body of a shark. Mutating the human body into a shark's would also suffice. This solution isn't the best one, but it is one that can work.