
2 Conversations

Bulgaria is a strange place to be. It used to be a very big and important country during the Middle Ages but when the Turks invaded, it lost its independenec for nearly five centuries and never recovered from the trauma of that invasion.

Today Bulgaria is a small country, quite picturesque and can be very interesting place to spend some time. There is a sea, several mountains, lots of poor, dirty villages and small towns and a Capital called Sofia - a city with populations of over 2 million people that is full of old buildings, pubs, clubs, gangsters, beautiful women and street dogs. So we can define Sofia and Bulgaria as a good places for alcohol lovers, adventurers or generally for the so called "night birds"/people addicted to night clubs, dancing, girls and strong beverages/

Attention: be careful because often happens someone to steal your lugage, car or soul and make sure that your company consists of more than two people to feel safe all the time while you are there.

If you are a "sea-lover" you have to visit Varna. From Sofia you can take a bus or a car and it will take you around 6 hours to get there. If you decide to take a train it will take you 3 or 4 hours more but you will have a chance to meet some very interesting native people/another warning-the trains are quite old, dirty and overcrowded, so if you are more refined persoanlity this might not be the right vehicle for you/. Varna is the sea capital of Bulgaria - population over 300 000 people and during the summer and especially in July it can reach up to 1 000 000 people because of the tourists and the insolent relatives and friends of the local people.
Varna is famous for its clubs/this a special feature for almost every major town in Bulgaraia/. They may not be as good looking as those in Ibiza or Hawai for example, but are full of nice people mostly from Bulgaria, Russia, Germany, Great Britain and Irland and very beautiful and quite friendly girls. Near Varna there are several smaller towns and resorts, some more luxurious than others, but all of them with cozy hotels and lovely beaches.

Bulgaria also has some very nice mountains, though not very high, and some fine ski-resorts. For the fans of the winter and the winter-sports I recomend Bansko, Borovetz, Velingrad and Pamporovo.

To sum up Bulgaria is a wild and at the same time, civilized country. A mixture of the East and West civilization.A place that is difficult to describe and than one has to experience on its own.

More to come for Bulgaria - soon! - until then enjoy it!

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