Vardy Hunting 11 - to the Doc from Ofsted

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'Thank you for your email of 17 March about the teaching of Creationism in schools. I have been asked to reply.

I acknowledge the points you make, and should explain that Creationism is not part of the National Curriculum for science. In the Programme of Study for 14-16 year olds, pupils learn about evolution and how variation and selection may lead to evolution and extinction. They also consider different theories on the origin of the universe. In all aspects of the National Curriculum, we encourage pupils to consider different ideas and beliefs, and how scientific controversies can arise from different ways of interpreting evidence

In addition, the teaching of different beliefs is covered in the subject of Religious Education (RE), although the detailed arrangements for the provision of RE are a matter of local responsibility, the Government guidelines state that religious education has a role in promoting respect for and understanding of those with different beliefs and religious practices from their own, based on the rigorous study of different faiths.

Finally, I would like to reassure your constituent that Emmanuel College is required to provide a broad and balance curriculum with an emphasis on science and technology as part of its Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State. The Chief Inspector of Schools wrote to the Chairman of the College’s Governing Body in 2002 to seek assurances that the College was fulfilling its responsibilities in relation to the teaching of the National Curriculum for science and was satisfied that it was doing so.

I hope this helps in addressing your concerns.

Yours sincerely

Judith Hulse On behalf of the Head of the Public Communications Unit

Your correspondence has been allocated the reference number 2005/0016127

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