Vardy Hunting 10 - my own shorter response

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Dear Ms Moore,

Why do I get the feeling that you are washing your hands of this situation? Passing my comments on does not constitute an actual investigation!

Ofsted are already on record telling Emmanuel College that they will only inspect the teaching of Evolution if it is being taught during the inspection, thereby giving free reign to teach it any way they wish as long as the inspectors are out of the room!

I would like to compare and contrast just a single comment from you with matching comments from Emmanuel College, since you [the DfES] seem reluctent to actually respond properly to my concerns and the concerns of many other Scientists:

You said:

"The College is also fulfilling its Funding Agreement requirements of providing a broad and balanced curriculum."

Emmanuel College said:

"Science teachers who affirm Biblical authority must be constantly on guard. Flawed orthodoxy is fervently preached at the very highest level in colleges and universities throughout the land. The high priests of secular humanism wield a great deal of power and their influence is regrettably noticeable in the formal statements of the National Curriculum and School Examination Syllabuses."


"The same classroom practitioners must, in its place, be prepared to express without compromise the integrity and infallibility of the Biblical historical narrative however loud and disagreeable the objection."

Would you care to explain how this constitutes "broad and balanced"?


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