Vardy Hunting 06 - more Strangeness

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From "Doc Strange":

I also had a low key prod at OFSTED as well... again I shall post it here to avoid crossing ideas and adding more confusion to the enemy so so speak!

Sir / Madam,

What exactly is OFSTED policy regarding the teaching of religious based "Creationism" in schools and colleges throughout Great Britain and Northern Ireland ?

Do you, for example, believe that as a religious belief "Creationism" should be taught within the remit of Religious education lessons or do you condone the teaching of this belief within the remit of Science in particular and the secular disciplines in general?

I ask this question because I was extremely alarmed by the tone of a lecture given at Gateshead Emmanuel college, and would like to know the stated policy of OFSTED regarding the curriculum pertaining to CTC's throughout the region?

I believe that if this is the stated aim of the Christian Institute then it is in direct violation of the funding agreement with the Secretary of State....can you comment on this point please?

Note please that I do not object to religious belief /s instruction in the appropiate lessons ...but I find that this does not and cannot justify inclusion within a Science based curriculum, and especially Evolutionary theory!

I include, as an attachment, the article that has prompted this question. A reply would be appreciated in this matter, and I would thank you in advance for any information you feel relevant to the point.

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