The Hellequin

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Who they are:

The Hellequin (Old french name for the Devil's horsemen) are the scourges of Lantelotus, pillaging, burning and destroying anything in their path. They do not really care much about life, more about when the next meal comes. However they are not barbarians, they are intelligent killers1.

The Leader

The Leader of the Hellequin is a mysterious man called The Harlequin. Harlequin is derived from the word Hellequin so it is fitting. No-one knows much about the Harlequin, except that he is a good fighter and can be fair sometimes2. He is very cunning and can apparently change his personality3 at will.


The Fortress of the Hellequin is called Domus Fulgur (Latin for House of Lightening) and is situated on top of a mountain. It has for many years been inpregnable but as no-one has challanged the Hellequin in years, nobody really knows how strong it is


As the Devil's Horsemen, Hellequin ride on horseback. Their standard plan for attacking a small village is to shoot burning arrows onto buildings. Then they will ride in with any weapons to cleave, chop, saw and kill the enemy with.

The Hellequin

The Harlequin

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1Nice people, wouldn't you say?!2But not very often!3This comes in useful when infiltrating enemy strongholds

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