Pointlessness, Nonsense, and All Those Other Family Values

2 Conversations

Hello and welcome to this entry of me. Now you may wonder who me is, and you may also wonder what you get when you mix nitrogen and cotton candy. Me am A. V. Sockhead, but you never know, with all these past lives peepil have these days, I could also be Sir Walter Raliegh! Who knows.
"I do," said the moose in the back of the blue, furry room. Everyone ignored him. My job as a huma... lets just say being... is to find out what the meaning of life is. You may think, that if the meaning of life would be to find out what the meaning of life is, hasn't everyone accomplished their goal. If you think this, you are wrong. You see, that is the LOGICAL way of thinking of things, and we all know that the LOGICAL way, is the WRONG way. For example, if you ever met a Manzabanian Giant Vildebeest, which you won't 'cause they don't exist, which eats everything immediately that doesn't run away from it, there would be two ways to confront escape.
Plan A: The Logical Plan: You think about what to do and in a second or so you come to the conclusion that you run away.
Plan B: The impulsive way: you run away.
So which is the best way? Plan B. Why? I repeat, "the Manzabanian Giant Vildebeest eats everything that doesn't run away from it IMMEDIATELY. It takes time to contemplate.
Question: What's the moral of this story?
Answer: There isn't one.
Question: Should we contemplate this?
Answer: No.
Question: Should we contemplate this decision?
Answer: Shut up already.
:-)I've always wanted to do that! Now, I believe there's supposed to be a point to this Entry. So I've decided to give it a point. Pointlessness.

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