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Walking round Edinburgh on Friday night I was struck by how many smart restaurants, pubs and places of entertainment there are. People are so keen on eating out (literally) that some eating places put their tables on the pavement as soon as it stops raining, and sometimes sooner.
Every place seems to have a bouncer on the door, too, so you'll be really safe (unless you upset the bouncers, sorry, "doorpersons").
Edinburgh is softer than Glasgow, so it's easier to get across a crowded pub to use the toilet - people even move out of the way when asked.
Walikng along Princes St, you can look north and imagine you are anywhere in the UK - the shops are all the same - or south and look across open space to the castle, which is floodlit so it appears to float in the sky at night.
Edinburgh, in my unbiased opinion, is the most beautiful city in Britain.
Graham Dane

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