Born Free - The nonfamous biker group
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
They are still today a vital part of the middelfartian mythologi, as being the most worthless gang that ever stalked these provencial areas of Denmark.
It should be mentioned, that living in a provincial town like Middelfart normaly means a kind of security when it comes to fights - you know everybody, and therefore allways knows with whom you can pick a fight and eventually win. But not being too narrow minded, Born Free would pick a fight with almost anybody, no matter what race, sex or political orientation you had. In fact they were so free minded, that you didn't even need to own a motorcycle to be a member - a scooter would do perfectly fine.
Their only insignia was the traditional leather west, with a embroided "Born Free" on the back, long greasy hair, tight jeans and sneakers or boots.
One of their more famous acts was when one of their more notorious members started out to provoke a guest of one of the lokal pubs, spilling his beer and in general be very annoying. The guest, who looked like most 16 years old boys asked the Born Free member to leave him alone, because basicly - the way he saw it - he had in no way acted offensive or bothering on anyone, and therefore would be perfectly fine, if he was just left alone.
Seen in the rearview miroor of knowledge, this scene could only lead to a confrontation, and especially when knowing the purpose of the gang member's actions, the result would be very obvious.
But then again - making the story short - the gangmember was decieved by the look of the young man. Naturally he could not know anything about:
1. the guest being a lokal self defence champion from the neighbour town having a good time out with a few selected friends, and
2. what really hit him.
Luckily this did not affect his male pride - he and the rest of the gang did have quite some experiences with defeats - but in the mid-eightties Born Free seaced to exist. A gang war between two competing bike gangs, Bull-s**t and Hells Angels, resulted in the group's final termination. The Bull-s**t bikers gave the Born Free members "an offer they couldn't refuse," and knowing their long history of a not-so-brave effort, the members decided to get a life.
Today they live in Middelfart, having a couple of kids - well, maybe even a wife(!) - a job, a new haircut and basically blending perfectly in. But don't think that their contribution to the lokal mythologi will evaporice just like that. Their spirit lives on, and noone, no matter of race, sex or political orientation, should ever try to outsmart an Middelfartian - he might just succed.