The Post Doctor Who Fanfic Competition

3 Conversations

The Tardis flying through a time vortex.

The Post is very excited to announce

The Doctor Who Fan Fic Competition!

With a new series of Doctor Who under way, we thought all you budding Terrance Dicks,
Russell T Davies' or Stephen Moffats out there might like to try your hand at writing a short piece about your favourite Time Lord.


There's only a few rules.

  • The piece should not be more than 2,500 words, simply because if you write us a novel we will just not have time to read all the submissions!

  • You can write about any characters within the Doctor Who universe, but please steer clear of spoilers, plot foils or anything that might be construed as overly 'nasty' - like really explicit sex / horror / death etc.

  • It can be in first person, third person, script, prose, poetry, filks, drabble1 - whatever you like really.

There's just one more important thing you need to know. In order to give things a little focus - and hopefully inspire some creativity, try and answer the following question for your piece:

What does a flashing blue light mean to you?


All Entries can be submitted to the Post via the usual Submissions Page - just mark them as Doctor Who Fan Fic Comp and they'll be sent on to our crack team of judges. From there a shortlist will be made, which will then be highlighted in the Post, whereupon all Post readers can vote for their favourite. All submissions will be published by the Post though, so all your hard work won't go unread!

Not A Writer?

Don't fancy writing a Fan Fic piece? Why not try your hand at some audio? Or even a video or animation? We're happy to have submissions of Voice Acting or even a very Short Film Clip that could be a part of the h2g2 Beeblecast too, so don't be discouraged if you don't feel you can write anything more interesting than this week's shopping list. Go and create!


Sorry, we too love the whooshing sound they make when they whizz on by - BUT we need to have a timeframe for you to get your work in by. The deadline for this competition is midnight UK time on Sunday 4th May. We'll publish all suitable submissions in the following issue, and let you know which are shortlisted for voting. Voting will be for two weeks, and then the Winner will be announced in the following issue of the Post! Good luck, and have fun!

The Post Team acknowledge that all Doctor Who characters, images and logos are the Copyright and Trademark of the BBC.
This competition is for non-profit, and any material published is bound to the House Rules and Terms and Conditions of the BBC website.

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on behalf of the Post Team

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1What? Go to this h2g2 Entry 'Fan Fiction - a User's Guide' to decipher.

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