Lüneburg, Germany

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<p align="justify">L&uuml;neburg is just one of many towns in Germany - what is so special about it?<BR/>
L&uuml;neburg has about 60,000 inhabitants. It is situated in Northern Germany and it's one of the central towns in the <i>L&uuml;neburger Heide</i>. This is a nice heathland, though there isn't much left of the heath. Through the city flows a river which is called <i>Ilmenau</i>. The city has a relatively famous university, and a big part of the population (about 10.000) are students.<BR/><BR/>
L&uuml;neburg is one of the loveliest, or maybe the loveliest of all medium-small towns in Germany. The city center (almost the whole town) consists of wonderful squares and streets with really nice historical houses. The whole town dates back to the medieval ages where it has become rich because of its huge salt resources. Apart from the center there are some other very nice streets with really old, typically Northern-Germany houses. It is hard to describe why this city is so beautiful.<BR/><BR/>
L&uuml;neburg seems bigger than other towns of that size. Maybe because of the many students there are lots of events and some groovy locations. The biggest and coolest event is the town festival in summer. Then it's partytime everywhere around the city, live music of all sorts on all the streets and so on. I'm not sure if this is a regular event but I think so.<BR/><BR/>For more information on L&uuml;neburg visit <a href="http://www.lueneburg.de">www.lueneburg.de</a><BR/></p><p align="center">
<BR/><BR/><img src="http://www.bruchtorf.de/lueneburg.jpg"></p>

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